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Staatsarchiv Wallis – Mediathek Wallis – Walliser Kantonsmuseen
Home | Township collections

Township collections

Township files are also a very interesting, often under-estimated source for emigration from the Valais. For example, among the many township files (fonds de communes), we can mention two in which one or more significant documents for Valais emigration appear:

AC Sembrancher, P 841 Cantonal census of families and persons emigrated abroad from the beginnings of the emigration until 31 December 1871; new place of residence […] 1872.

AP Hérémence Suppl. 2, R 16 Family register of the parish of Hérémence, with mention of filiations: much genealogical information, births, marriages, deaths, emigration, etc. […] 1930-2006.

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