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Staatsarchiv Wallis – Mediathek Wallis – Walliser Kantonsmuseen
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Military emigration: from mercenaries to the foreign service
Population Emigration
The causes of emigration
The internal causes
The international causes
The market for emigration
The main destinations
The emigration of the Walser during the 12th and 13th centuries
1819: First wave of emigration to Brazil
1851 – Emigration from the Valais to Algeria
1855: first departures for Argentina
1883: the emigration to Chile
The emigration to the United States and Canada
The State and Emigration
Issues at the municipal, cantonal and federal levels
Laws and regulations
The register of emigrants (DI 358)
Religious emigration
Missionaries in the Valais
A favourable context for religious emigration
The colony and orphanage of Medjez-Amar in Algeria (1855)
A political instrument to assert the grandeur of the Church
The Valaisan missions of the 20th century
From conquest to humanitarianism
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Document of the month
Virtual exhibitions
Archive documents concerning the Valais emigration.
L'émigration à Nova Friburgo
Interactive map
Support for research
My family history
History of Emigration from the Valais
Selected bibliography on emigration
Useful links
General bibliography
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Musées Cantonaux, 4350 2016/3 2/7

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Département de l’Intérieur 356.26

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Département de l’Intérieur 194.4.1

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